An Open Letter to Non-Indigenous Australians Who Supported the Indigenous Voice

An Open Letter to Non-Indigenous Australians Who Supported the Indigenous Voice

To all Non-Indigenous Australians who supported the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

I want to open by saying thank you for supporting Indigenous Australians to have an Indigenous Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Australian Constitution. Your recognition that change is necessary, and your willingness to vote for that change, to stand up for what’s right, is both appreciated and commendable.

It’s been a week since the referendum, and while many of us, Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians alike, are still reeling from this result, we cannot afford to be idle. Though our hearts may be heavy, and we are weary from the struggle, we must nevertheless strengthen our resolve to keep moving forward. Indigenous Australians have survived invasion, survived genocide, survived Protection and Assimilation. We will survive this too.

While the reasons and meaning behind Australia’s decision will no doubt be the subject of discussion and debate for some time to come, one thing has been made crystal clear: Australia, as a nation, is not ready to move towards true Reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Despite the rhetoric of Reconciliation, Closing the Gap, and equality for all, Australia has now proved it is neither willing to recognise the disparity that exists between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians on all levels, nor is it willing to take any accountability for that disparity.

This must change.

All of you who believed the Voice was important, who believe in Reconciliation, who want Australia to be a nation that values its Indigenous peoples, it’s time for you to stand up, stand with us, and take action.

Call out racism wherever you see it, be it in your workplace, in the community, or even within your circles of family and friends. Make demands from your leaders – your bosses, your Mayors, your Local Members, anyone who is in a position of power – that if they want your support they need to change the system. Attend rallies and community events. Actively support organisations, communities, and Government agencies who are demonstrating their commitment to the betterment of Indigenous Australians in culturally safe ways. Let them know you agree with what they’re doing and you’ve got their back. Express your disapproval of those who aren’t. Make it clear to all that as a proud Australian the current state of play is unacceptable and change is both necessary and urgent.

Indigenous Australians may not have a Voice, but neither will we be silenced.

Join your voice to ours, and more importantly, walk the talk.

There is no doubt that the result of the referendum will leave a scar. However, if we can come together, and create the change that needs to happen, we can all start to heal.

With your support and your actions, we can all hope for a better future.

Thank you.


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